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Growing and Caring for Bonsai Trees

Growing and Caring for Bonsai Trees
Showing posts with label bonsai sizes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bonsai sizes. Show all posts

The cheapest and nicest way to find a Bonsai

Beautiful piece of art Bonsai in autumn on display

The oriental art of Bonsai is very well known in the West. It’s surrounded by mystery and generates curiosity at first sight. Sometimes this interest just goes away with time, but in some cases, people like to dig deeper and get to know more about this beautiful miniature gardening technique. If you aim to cultivate Bonsai seriously, it might not be really cheap as professional tools alone may cost over $100 on average. 

But to grow a bonsai it’s not only about gardening. It also has a therapeutic value, plus enables patience and fortitude and it’s a great activity for relaxing purposes. A bonsai can be with you until the end of your days. In fact, ancient Chinese believed that those who could take care of a miniature tree for a long time got eternity granted for their soul. For them, a tree could be the connection between the holy and the human, between heaven and earth.

The first records of people growing bonsai are located in China. However, the Japanese are responsible for developing and improving the art as we know it today. Contrary to what most people believe, bonsai's are not genetically dwarfed plants, they are kept small by a series of techniques and steps that, if done properly, would allow the tree to live as long as their original species. Any tree can be grown as a bonsai. However, you have to think about many details before starting.


Before asking yourself how to grow a bonsai, you should consider which species you would like to plant and also the conditions of your home, surrounding environment, and climate. There are a few options that could be good for starters, such as the Chinese elm and the Japanese black pine. Keep also in mind that any tree can become a bonsai, but details like leaf size should be thought about. A lot of people prefer trees with small leaves because are easier to model.

There’s also another consideration you should make when planning to grow a bonsai: There are many ways to do it. You could start from zero, which means buying seeds from a shop or picking them up near the trees around your home or in the wild. You could also find or buy a young plant, called a “prebonsai”, which consists of a germinated tree in its early stage. That way the whole process becomes faster, even though remember: to grow a bonsai is also an exercise of patience. The last option may be the easiest but also the least educational: that is to buy a full-grown bonsai. In that case, you would only have to do caring activities. It’s important to know: There are no “bonsai seeds”. If someone offers you such a product he’s either lying or don’t know much about bonsai. The seed which a bonsai comes from is just a regular tree seed, the process of making a bonsai comes later, after it is germinated.


To grow a bonsai from seed is a slow and hard-working process but is also the most rewarding way to do it. It may take years and you may fail at first, but as long as you keep trying and feel passionate about it you’ll be amazed by the results.

If you’re a starter then you’ll probably don’t want to wait that long for results. What most people recommend is to buy a pre-bonsai, or find one in a forest near your home (remember that a pre-bonsai is nothing more than a tree in its early stages). In case you decide on the second option there are many considerations. You need permission from the landowner to do it. Also, you have to be very careful not to damage the roots when digging. There is also a specific time of the year to do it: the first weeks of spring.

When you grow a bonsai from seed you should do the planting on autumn, so they start germinating in spring. It’s always better to select trees that can adapt easily to the climate of the place you live; that way it’ll work in our favor.

When searching for affordable bonsai, be sure to research the specific care requirements of the species you're interested in and evaluate the health of the tree before making a purchase. Bonsai trees can be delicate, and proper care is essential to maintain their beauty and longevity.


Professional Bonsai Soil Mix

Professional Bonsai Soil Mix from close perspective

Interesting Books on Bonsai can be found here:

The Complete Book of Bonsai --> I've been into bonsai for 25 years and this is the basic Bible for beginner and intermediate bonsai enthusiasts. It has an excellent section on techniques, including pruning, wiring and whatnot, and it has a large species-specific tree guide. If you're into bonsai and want only one book, this is it.

Indoor Bonsai The Great Selection --> Creating beautiful, healthy bonsai is a wonderful skill that anyone can learn, with a little time, patience, and this all-inclusive manual. With color photos and drawings to illustrate the points, it introduces all the cultivation techniques; offers expert advice on location, soil types, watering, and pest control; and provides intricate instruction on training the bonsai--including pruning, wiring and stretching it.

The Secret Techniques of Bonsai --> In The Secret Techniques of Bonsai, the author of the groundbreaking Bonsai With American Trees teams up with his son to offer not only the basics for creating perfect bonsai, but also secret techniques they’ve developed over years of careful work and observation.

Bonsai Survival Manual --> Problem solving when your Bonsai get sick. Expand your gardening repertoire as you create a captivating and exquisite miniature world. In this introductory guide, Colin Lewis covers everything you need to know to design, grow, and successfully maintain attractive bonsai.

Bonsai and the art of Penjing --> Bonsai & Penjing, Ambassadors of Beauty and Peace describes how Chinese penjing and North American bonsai were later added to the Museum, making its collection the most comprehensive in the world. Stories of individual trees and forest plantings are featured, as are the roles played by the skilled and talented creators of these living art forms people such as John Naka, Saburo Kato, Yuji Yoshimura, Harry Hirao, and Dr. Yee-Sun Wu.

Bonsai with Japanese Maples --> With their delicate foliage, seasonal color changes, and intricate pattern of branching, Japanese maples are among the most popular and suitable plants for bonsai design. In this long-awaited book, internationally renowned expert Peter Adams discusses both the specific horticultural needs of Japanese maples as bonsai subjects and illustrates proven techniques for creating and maintaining beautiful specimens.

The Modern Bonsai Practice --> The most current, useful information on growing Bonsai. Fresh, practical, definitive, comprehensive reference guide to the finest art of horticulture: growing miniature trees. Common sense bonsai answers separating myth from fact with depth and detail. Appropriate for both bonsai hobbyists and experienced practitioners.

Ōmiya Bonsai Village

Omiya Bonsai

It's always amazing to explore countless Bonsai exhibitions around the World. Particularly in Omiya, Japan which attracts lots of attention worldwide. For instance, the Omiya Bonsai Village consists of about ten privately owned bonsai gardens. From the early 1990s, Omiya Bonsai-cho has seen a slight contraction in the number of nurseries. As of 2007, the Bonsai Village contains hundreds of thousands of bonsai trees in a site of about 330,000 square meters. In addition, the area also contains the Omiya Bonsai Art Museum, which opened in 2010. If you are interested in the Japanese marketplace, ZenPlus offers Japanese craftsmanship and represents unparalleled craftsmanship.

The museum has indoor exhibits of bonsai history and art, as well as an outdoor area with a number of bonsai specimens. Some of the museum's materials were drawn from the Takagi Bonsai Museum of Art in Tokyo. Each year, the Bonsai Village holds the Great Bonsai Festival from 3 to 5 May. During the festival, the area is packed with bonsai fans and devotees from all over the world.

Here are some considerations for visiting:

Spring (April to May): Spring is a popular time to visit because many of the bonsai trees start to come to life with fresh foliage.
You can see various species of bonsai in their early stages of growth.
Some nurseries in the village may host spring exhibitions.

Fall (October to November): Fall offers beautiful foliage colors, making it a picturesque time to visit the village.

Many bonsai trees may be at their peak in terms of color and condition during this season.

Year-Round: The Omiya Bonsai Village is open year-round, so you can visit at any time.
Bonsai enthusiasts often visit during different seasons to appreciate the changing beauty of the trees.

Special Events: Check if there are any special events, exhibitions, or bonsai festivals scheduled during your visit. These events can provide unique experiences and insights into bonsai culture.

Keep in mind that the weather and climate can vary during different seasons in Japan, so consider the weather conditions and your personal preferences when planning your visit. Also, be sure to check the opening hours and any specific rules or regulations for visiting the nurseries and gardens in the Omiya Bonsai Village. It's a good idea to contact the village or check their website for the most up-to-date information before planning your visit.

120 year old Bonsai Pomegranate tree
120 years old Pomegranate Bonsai Tree on display

The month of May is considered to be a very interesting time to display Bonsai Trees. Another interesting tree is the pomegranate, finding such a beautiful Bonsai tree is a rare sight worldwide. It's called the twisted pomegranate tree, from the picture you will soon notice why this tree is award winning. It displays beautiful bright yellow leafs. In the northern hemisphere the Pomegranate typically flowers in the summertime and the flowers are bright red. Once the temperature comes down Dwarf Pomegranate bonsai should be immediately brought indoors. 

Going back to Omiya Bonsai Art Museum, it's really recommendable for Bonsai devotees. The Museum educates visitors about the various aspects of bonsai. English audio guides and well-written English descriptions explain clearly how to appreciate the art form and highlight key points to take note of. Moreover, the museum also exhibits the various styles of bonsai and accompanying elements such as pots and stones.

About half a dozen bonsai nurseries are found across the village. They welcome walk-in visitors but do not allow photograph-taking. They have on sale their wide selection of bonsai as well as relevant gardening tools. Nursery owners are generally happy to answer questions and appreciate any interest shown in bonsai. Be aware that the nurseries and bonsai museum are closed on Thursdays. So making a long trip to Saitama and ending up visiting the premises on Thursdays can be frustrating when it's closed. The Omiya Bonsai Art Museum is known to display slow growers, in other words, a masterpiece of Bonsai art that often cannot be achieved by 1 generation. Some trees have been passed on from generation to generation with careful pruning, wiring, and shaping of the Bonsai. Hardwood grows slowly and that is a value proposition that the Museum offers on display to numerous Bonsai enthusiasts around the world. 

How to get there

Tobu Noda Line
Tobu Noda Line

The Omiya Bonsai Village is located between Omiya Koen Station 
(5 minutes, 150 yen one way from Omiya Station by Tobu Noda Line) and Toro Station (5 minutes, 140 yen one way from Omiya Station by JR Utsunomiya Line). 

Interesting Books on Bonsai can be found here:

The Complete Book of Bonsai --> I've been into bonsai for 25 years and this is the basic Bible for beginner and intermediate bonsai enthusiasts. It has an excellent section on techniques, including pruning, wiring and whatnot, and it has a large species-specific tree guide. If you're into bonsai and want only one book, this is it.

Indoor Bonsai The Great Selection --> Creating beautiful, healthy bonsai is a wonderful skill that anyone can learn, with a little time, patience, and this all-inclusive manual. With color photos and drawings to illustrate the points, it introduces all the cultivation techniques; offers expert advice on location, soil types, watering, and pest control; and provides intricate instruction on training the bonsai--including pruning, wiring, and stretching it.

The Secret Techniques of Bonsai --> In The Secret Techniques of Bonsai, the author of the groundbreaking Bonsai With American Trees teams up with his son to offer not only the basics for creating perfect bonsai but also secret techniques they’ve developed over years of careful work and observation.

Bonsai Survival Manual --> Problem solving when your Bonsai get sick. Expand your gardening repertoire as you create a captivating and exquisite miniature world. In this introductory guide, Colin Lewis covers everything you need to know to design, grow, and successfully maintain attractive bonsai.

Bonsai and the art of Penjing --> Bonsai & Penjing, Ambassadors of Beauty and Peace describes how Chinese penjing and North American bonsai were later added to the Museum, making its collection the most comprehensive in the world. Stories of individual trees and forest plantings are featured, as are the roles played by the skilled and talented creators of these living art forms people such as John Naka, Saburo Kato, Yuji Yoshimura, Harry Hirao, and Dr. Yee-Sun Wu.

Bonsai with Japanese Maples --> With their delicate foliage, seasonal color changes, and intricate pattern of branching, Japanese maples are among the most popular and suitable plants for bonsai design. In this long-awaited book, internationally renowned expert Peter Adams discusses both the specific horticultural needs of Japanese maples as bonsai subjects and illustrates proven techniques for creating and maintaining beautiful specimens.

The Modern Bonsai Practice --> The most current, useful information on growing Bonsai. Fresh, practical, definitive, comprehensive reference guide to the finest art of horticulture: growing miniature trees. Common sense bonsai answers separating myth from fact with depth and detail. Appropriate for both bonsai hobbyists and experienced practitioners.

What are Bonsai Sizes ?

Another great bonsai exhibition has taken place in the UK, it's the Shohin Bonsai 2018. It tends to get increasingly crowded by the year and the exhibition draws international media attention. The exhibition is popular for small-sized bonsai, and here goes the term ''Shohin'' which literally means ''small goods'' and basically refers to small sizes of trees encompassing mame, kifu, and gafu sized bonsai from a mere inch to 1 foot in height! Although such are not my personal favorites, it is still worth visiting the exhibition and studying the different techniques and ways of display.

The reason for increasing popularity is due to limitations of time, space, and finances that fans and enthusiasts encounter. And it is understood that to grow bonsai well you must have at least one of the following, time space and money. But besides the Shohin exhibition which is popular for small-sized trees, there are plenty of others around the world for different types of sizes as well..the basics are simple, the smaller your apartment the smaller the bonsai. I would suggest Omono to start with a good type of maple. 

Here are some important ones:

Bonsai Sizes can vary - Bonsai sizes explained for beginners and pros

If you ever wish to take part in an exhibition, please take note of common names for bonsai size classes as it is important. Not every exhibition will offer to view all size classes.

Bonsai - Here another perfect example of deadwood combined with the tree itself.
Here another perfect example of deadwood combined with the tree itself. It makes a perfect match and marvelous for in and outdoor display. This type of three might be a little bit pricey and not the right thing for beginners to start with a bonsai. Did you also know that wounds on bonsai trees do not heal in the same manner as the wounds of humans or animals. The best is to start with a small bonsai, maples and chinese elms are ideal for beginners.

That is to say, trees are not able to repair damaged tissue, instead, they continue to manufacture a new layer of cells with each year's growth, until the wounds is entirely covered over. The length of time this healing process depends upon the size of the wound and the overall size of each new annual growth ring. The time taken for the complete growth of a bonsai plant is same as that of the original species. Since a bonsai is a well-cared plant it may attain full growth a bit early and it depends on a number of variants.

Normally trees have a lifespan and grow till that time and start withering once they reach that age. A bonsai plant too is expected to have the same lifespan as that of its parents. This age may range from one hundred years to five thousand years. Tree species like the baobab, cotton tree, acacia, banyan, peepal, cryptomeria, ginko, mesquite, cypress, oak, birch, field maple, mountain ash, and common alder live beyond 100 years when they are grown in the wild. Common ash, European beech, common hawthorn, hornbeam, and holly live beyond 200 years. The willow lives up to 400 years and the scots pine for 500 years. The yew can outlive all these with a life expectancy of 5000 years.

When cultivated as bonsai, the lifespan of these tree species are expected to be greater, since they are more pampered and protected from the elements. Theoretically, a tree can live decades beyond its typical lifespan when it is protected. Ideal growing conditions and continual pruning ensure excellent condition and vigor. If you are interested in the Japanese marketplace, ZenPlus offers Japanese craftsmanship and represents unparalleled craftsmanship.

Japanese Snacks

Miniature Bonsai

Kenshitsubo – Are the smallest possible variety of bonsai, which are simply seedlings referred to as ‘poppy seed’ sized trees, their height is approximately 2.5 cm to 8 cm.

Shito – The smallest common size of bonsai are usually between 5 cm and 10 cm in height. Their containers are no larger than a thimble and are normally described as the thimble bonsai.

Shohin – These bonsai are in a category that overlaps others with their height ranging between 5 cm and 15 cm. They’re also known as the palm bonsai, because of how they fit in the palm of one’s hand. Shohin and Shito are differentiated from other small bonsai trees because of the techniques used to create them.

Mame – Bonsai grow between 10 cm to 20 cm in height. They are considered to be the smallest of bonsai trees known as ‘one handed’ trees, because it takes one hand to move them. The containers they grow in are larger than those of Shohin bonsai and are more commonly found than those described above.

Komono – Also known as the ‘all-inclusive’ small bonsai grows to a height averaging between 15 cm to 26 cm and are considered as the largest tree which can be moved with one hand.

Although there is some variation between the exact heights of bonsai at such a small size, these are the most common classifications.

Medium Bonsai

Katade-Mochi – Classification is for bonsai that can be lifted by ‘one hand’, growing between 25 cm and 46 cm in height. It is contended that this size of bonsai is easier to work meaning they are neither too large to handle or too small to prune.

Chumono and Chiu – These two categories are similar with bonsai growing to a height of between 40 cm to 90 cm and considered as ‘two-handed’ bonsai. It is often said that some tend to disregard the Japanese names for size classifications, their viewpoint is that Medium bonsai is between 30 cm and 60 cm, whilst larger specimens are between 60 cm to 90 cm in height.

Large Bonsai

Omono, Dai – These bonsai are large and perceived as the first among the ‘four hands’ category as they grow from 76 cm to 122 cm in height, hence the need for two people to carry them. Omono and Dai both share the same size range and styles.

Hachi-Uye – Are among the largest bonsai trees and are known as ‘six-handed’ growing to heights of between 102 cm and 152 cm tall.

Imperial – The largest and probably the most majestic of all Bonsai grow between 152 cm and 203 cm in height and are be found in the Japanese imperial gardens, but can be in prominent nurseries and private collections. They are referred to as ‘eight-handed’ bonsai.

Bonsai tree size classification is as much an art form as designing the shape and style of a tree. However, these categories although having relative importance, are not considered mandatory as many are not concerned about the exact size. Arguably the only classification that remains unchanged through time, is the Imperial bonsai, due to its origin and name. Meaning, that the largest bonsai trees found in the Japanese imperial gardens are Imperial bonsai.

Another consideration is the design and style of bonsai and to which category it belongs. For example, the traditional 2-dimensional Japanese style where the tree is only viewed from one side – the front, the 3-dimensional European perspective where all sides are seen – or would it have a style of its own – that of what the individual artist has visualized.

Japanese models       Japanese Av Star

Interesting Books on Bonsai can be found here:

The Complete Book of Bonsai --> I've been into bonsai for 25 years and this is the basic Bible for beginner and intermediate bonsai enthusiasts. It has an excellent section on techniques, including pruning, wiring, and whatnot, and it has a large species-specific tree guide. If you're into bonsai and want only one book, this is it.

Indoor Bonsai The Great Selection --> Creating beautiful, healthy bonsai is a wonderful skill that anyone can learn, with a little time, patience, and this all-inclusive manual. With color photos and drawings to illustrate the points, it introduces all the cultivation techniques; offers expert advice on location, soil types, watering, and pest control; and provides intricate instruction on training the bonsai--including pruning, wiring and stretching it.

The Secret Techniques of Bonsai --> In The Secret Techniques of Bonsai, the author of the groundbreaking Bonsai With American Trees teams up with his son to offer not only the basics for creating perfect bonsai, but also secret techniques they’ve developed over years of careful work and observation.

Bonsai Survival Manual --> Problem solving when your Bonsai get sick. Expand your gardening repertoire as you create a captivating and exquisite miniature world. In this introductory guide, Colin Lewis covers everything you need to know to design, grow, and successfully maintain attractive bonsai.

Bonsai and the art of Penjing --> Bonsai & Penjing, Ambassadors of Beauty and Peace describe how Chinese penjing and North American bonsai were later added to the Museum, making its collection the most comprehensive in the world. Stories of individual trees and forest plantings are featured, as are the roles played by the skilled and talented creators of these living art forms people such as John Naka, Saburo Kato, Yuji Yoshimura, Harry Hirao, and Dr. Yee-Sun Wu.

Bonsai with Japanese Maples --> With their delicate foliage, seasonal color changes, and intricate pattern of branching, Japanese maples are among the most popular and suitable plants for bonsai design. In this long-awaited book, internationally renowned expert Peter Adams discusses both the specific horticultural needs of Japanese maples as bonsai subjects and illustrates proven techniques for creating and maintaining beautiful specimens.

The Modern Bonsai Practice --> The most current, useful information on growing Bonsai. Fresh, practical, definitive, comprehensive reference guide to the finest art of horticulture: growing miniature trees. Common sense bonsai answers separating myth from fact with depth and detail. Appropriate for both bonsai hobbyists and experienced practitioners.